Episode 2: Natasha & The Painted Horse Urban Ultra

Meet Natasha! She just ran her first 50k at the Painted Horse Urban Ultra. We talk about the race, give Joe a hard time about not doing yoga, discuss bathroom things, and upcoming events!

Share your worst running photo/suffering photo in this thread! Kevin wants to see them!!

The documentary that inspired Natasha: The Human Race available on Amazon Prime. Shoutout to Joseph Fuller of Skunk Ape Events & the Florida Trail Runner Podcast! Shaebay was on Ten Junk Miles with her Salton Sea team if you’d like to listen.

Available now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Pocketcasts, Overcast, and more!!                



LOST 118, Gasparilla Distance Classic, & Grossing Kevin Out


Episode 1: Talking About Ourselves and the Skunk Ape's Revenge 60k